Qistory Fresno Has Arrived !
We are in the process of updating this website, so there will be additions and changes coming regularly in the near future. We want to make this website the most extensive and comprehensive for LGBTQ+ history in Fresno and the Central Valley. Look for updates on a regular basis and please feel free to submit your photos, stories, links, etc. to us at qistoryfresno@gmail.com
We have uploaded our Community Panel Discussions, which were filmed in late 2022 to our YouTube channel, which you can access through our Videos tab. Some have a low volume, so please click on the closed captioning if you need to. We will be doing new panels in the future.
Our Queer Stories
LGTBQ+ History of the Central Valley
The mission of Qistory is to document, record and store the history of the LGBTQ+ community in Fresno and the Central Valley so that it is preserved for generations to come and may be used as an educational resource.
Qistory Mission Statement
The mission of Qistory is to document, record and store the history of the LGBTQ community of Fresno and the San Joaquin Valley so that it is preserved for generations to come and may be used as an educational resource.

About Qistory
Qistory is dedicated to preserving LGBTQ lives in the Central San Joaquin Valley, which stretches over 250 miles from Stockton to south of Bakersfield. We firmly believe in the saying that when an elder dies we lose a library, a museum, and a home. We wish and need to preserve the voices of LGBTQ elders and marginalized members of our community for future generations, not only for its rich history, but as an educational resource.
To preserve our history, we will record oral histories of those in our community, We will collect and archive community photographs and videos, words and memories, to establish a living, breathing archive of the great wealth if history of our community before, now and in the future.
Steering Committee

Chris Jarvis
Community Member
LGBT Activist in Fresno for over 20 years, Chris is the co-founder and former director of the nonprofit Gay Central Valley. Handles Qistory’s Facebook page and developing Qistory’s website. LGBTQ historian, Chris works to document the history of the LGBTQ community in the Central Valley.

Kat Fobear
Community Member
Oral Historian. Will be Responsible for coordinating the oral history training and collection of oral histories. Assistant professor at CSUF women’s studies. Director of LGBTQ Education CSUF.

Steve Hagopain
Community Member
Community researcher for oral history, coordinating with the Imperial Dove Court, drag queen community and transgender community. Former empress Imperial Dove Court and community organizer.

Julio Mastro
Community Member
Community researcher for oral history, handling the HIV history collection, collecting histories of gay men, working to outreach to the rural communities. Former chairperson Fresno County HIV Care Consortium and founder and former director of The Living Room, AIDS service organization.

David McGee PhD
Community Member
Secretary, MFT Fresno County

About Community Link
Qistory is a project of Community Link, a federal 501c3 non-profit organization based in Fresno, California.
Community Link acts as an umbrella organization for LGBTQ projects in the San Joaquin Valley. Community Link began serving the LGBTQ community of Fresno and the San Joaquin Valley in 1988 and was incorporated in 1994.
Community Link is an all-volunteer organization, has no paid staff or physical offices.

How Qistory & Community Link Connect
Qistory is a project of Community Link — a federal 501c3 non-profit organization based in Fresno, California. Since 1988 Community Link has served the LGBTQ community of Fresno, California, and now acts as an umbrella organization for LGBTQ projects throughout the entire San Joaquin Valley in the State of California.
Community Link is an all-volunteer organization with no physical offices.